Servicio al Cliente 607-646-4128

Hot/wet extractive system ACF5000

The benchmark in FTIR CEMS

ACF5000 can measure up to 15 components simultaneously including water soluble components to accurately monitor the composition of exhaust gases.

  • Longest certified maintenance interval with 12 months, issued by MCERTS in the UK
  • Internal validation unit for QAL3 checks without the need for test gases
  • Lowest maintenance costs
  • High resolution FTIR with long-life optical components
  • Pre-engineered based on > 25 years of experiences
  • Internal validation unit – no need for bottled test gas for regular zero and span checks

ABB AbilityTM – Maintenance made easy with scalable digital solutions

  • Dynamic QR Codes for easy transfer of all relevant diagnostic information for faster troubleshooting and repair
  • Remote Assistance solution for expert on-demand service providing remote diagnostic and assistance for the analyzers
  • Condition Monitoring provides scheduled remote product health checks and generates reliable early warnings for recommended maintenance actions
  • Genix Datalyzer is cloud based analyzer fleet health monitoring solution
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